2 07, 2015

International investment advice

2015-07-02T16:09:02-05:00July 2nd, 2015|Categories: Financial, International, Taxes|Tags: , |

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into [...]

8 05, 2015

CFR Processing Times

2015-05-08T12:21:13-05:00May 8th, 2015|Categories: News|

A friendly reminder that all schedules and reserve requests must be received by 11:00 am CST to be processed same day. Schedules and reserve requests received later cannot be guaranteed it will be processed same day. Schedules and supporting documentation may be emailed to [email protected], mailed or faxed to CFR at (504) 522-6631. Invoices should [...]

23 02, 2015

Cash Flow Resources announces the funding of two new deals.

2015-02-23T12:48:06-06:00February 23rd, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: , |

  The first new deal included a $250,000 working capital facility for a Louisiana based company providing field personnel for the oilfield service industry. This client learned about CFR from their local banker.  The company was a start-up, had too much debt and the majority owner was not willing to inject anymore equity into the company.  Given all these [...]

11 09, 2014

CFR Closes a new deal in Texas.

2014-09-11T13:02:46-05:00September 11th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

Cash Flow Resources ("CFR") has closed a new relationship in Texas with a $50,000 working capital facility for a south Houston machine shop. This client, a family owned operation, felt trapped without access to additional capital. They learned about CFR from a current CFR client in the area that understood what we could help them [...]

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