3 03, 2020

CFR Participates in JEDCO/SBA Meet the Lender Event

2020-03-03T11:38:02-06:00March 3rd, 2020|Categories: CFR, Financial, Funding, News, Uncategorized|

Cash Flow Resources ("CFR") will be participating in Meet the Lenders Event, hosted by SBA and JEDCO tomorrow, March 4th.  This event is aimed at helping small companies learn how to raise capital for their business. The Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) is an independent, yet complementary arm of Jefferson [...]

7 02, 2020

CFR’s Recently Funded Deals

2020-02-07T10:18:32-06:00February 7th, 2020|Categories: Cash Flow, CFR, Factoring Receivables, Financial, Funding, News, Uncategorized|

CFR continues to help small businesses by providing customized solutions that fits their needs.  At the end of 2019, CFR funded the following two deals: $1MM factoring line for a start-up national industrial turnaround plant contractor The contractor's prior large national factoring company abruptly changed the way they handled their [...]

25 10, 2019

Women Can DRIVE Business Symposium

2019-10-25T12:31:50-05:00October 25th, 2019|Categories: CFR, News|

CFR's Olivia Ventola will attend the 5th Annual Women Can DRIVE Business Symposium on Tuesday, October 29th.  The seminar is presented by the Crescent City Connections Express, a network of American Business Women's Association ("ABWA").   The seminar will bring together over 100 businesswomen to spend the day networking and training to help enhance their professional [...]

27 09, 2019

CFR’s Recently Funded Deals

2019-09-27T12:29:28-05:00September 27th, 2019|Categories: CFR, Factoring, Funding, News|

CFR recently closed two out of three deals referred to us by local banks.   Here is a brief overview of each of these companies and why they worked  or did not work for us. CFR's Closed Deals Bus Transportation Company $200M Factoring Line of Credit [...]

24 07, 2019

Meet Matthew Kives, CFR’s New Intern

2019-07-24T11:57:27-05:00July 24th, 2019|Categories: CFR, Factoring, News|Tags: , |

CFR is happy to introduce our new intern, Matthew Kives.  A native of New Orleans, Matthew is an alumnus of Jesuit High School New Orleans, class of 2017.  He is an incoming junior, studying finance at Loyola University Chicago.  Matthew enjoys a wide variety of hobbies and interests, ranging from studying the arts and [...]

11 07, 2019

Kevin Laborde Recently Presents at GNOEA

2019-07-11T09:17:49-05:00July 11th, 2019|Categories: Financial, Funding, News|

Kevin Laborde, President of CFR, recently gave a presentation at GNOEA's Business Presentation Meeting.  In addition to covering what CFR does for its clients, he described other alternative financing products in the marketplace; how they work, what they cost and appropriate ways to use them. GNOEA is an association of firms and companies that do [...]

12 03, 2019

Guess Who Is Back at CFR!

2019-03-13T10:17:58-05:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: Factoring, Financial, News|

Cash Flow Resources is excited to announce that Olivia Ventola has rejoined the CFR team.  Olivia's primary focus at CFR will be marketing and business development for small businesses in the gulf south region.  She has over 15 years of experience in the financial services industry with several of those years at CFR. [...]

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