3 03, 2020

CFR Participates in JEDCO/SBA Meet the Lender Event

2020-03-03T11:38:02-06:00March 3rd, 2020|Categories: CFR, Financial, Funding, News, Uncategorized|

Cash Flow Resources ("CFR") will be participating in Meet the Lenders Event, hosted by SBA and JEDCO tomorrow, March 4th.  This event is aimed at helping small companies learn how to raise capital for their business. The Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) is an independent, yet complementary arm of Jefferson [...]

7 02, 2020

CFR’s Recently Funded Deals

2020-02-07T10:18:32-06:00February 7th, 2020|Categories: Cash Flow, CFR, Factoring Receivables, Financial, Funding, News, Uncategorized|

CFR continues to help small businesses by providing customized solutions that fits their needs.  At the end of 2019, CFR funded the following two deals: $1MM factoring line for a start-up national industrial turnaround plant contractor The contractor's prior large national factoring company abruptly changed the way they handled their [...]

27 02, 2019

Mardi Gras in New Orleans

2019-03-18T13:13:23-05:00February 27th, 2019|Categories: Factoring, Informative, News, Uncategorized|

Its that time of year again.  Over the next several days, the streets of New Orleans will be filled with revelers celebrating the Carnival season. Be advised that CFR will be closed on Mardi Gras day, the 5th of March. Additionally, CFR's office may be closing a bit early this Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and [...]

26 04, 2018

Invoice Factoring FAQ’s and Common Misconceptions

2018-04-26T17:15:29-05:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

The benefits of invoice factoring are numerous, but there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the pros and cons of factoring invoices. Visit www.CFRNOW.com to learn more. Cash Flow Resources helps businesses by providing financing based on the credit of their customers, providing them with flexible cash flow so they can confidently continue regular business [...]

11 09, 2014

CFR Closes a new deal in Texas.

2014-09-11T13:02:46-05:00September 11th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

Cash Flow Resources ("CFR") has closed a new relationship in Texas with a $50,000 working capital facility for a south Houston machine shop. This client, a family owned operation, felt trapped without access to additional capital. They learned about CFR from a current CFR client in the area that understood what we could help them [...]

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